
The *How to Not Panic* Sessions: 2

The *How to Not Panic* Sessions: 2

Hey there. I’m so glad you’re here. Yesterday we talked about Thinking On Purpose to help you step into the driver’s seat of your brain and start thinking, at least SOME of the time, on purpose. If you missed that one, go back and listen, these are all going to be short-but-impactful lessons to help you manage yourself…

The *How to Not Panic* Sessions: 1

The *How to Not Panic* Sessions: 1

Hey all. So, we’re in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic and I wanted to offer you a mini-course in “how to not panic.” Panic is everywhere right now - people are freaking out, feeling overly anxious, and are worried about the unknowns all around us.

I get it…

Health Anxiety

Health Anxiety

Unless you're living on the moon, Coronavirus is pretty much top of mind right now. And even on an ordinary day, health anxiety affects somewhere between 5% - 25% of the adult American population.

So I thought it was time to talk about health-related anxiety on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast. Because, folks: today we’re going to take our power back

Debunking "Self-Care"

Debunking "Self-Care"

"Self-care" is one of those terms that gets tossed around when a well-meaning someone encourages you to take a break, relax, and make some time for yourself. "Take a bubble bath! How about a mani-pedi? Go get a massage..." <-- They lovingly say…

Anxious Boundaries

Anxious Boundaries

We have covered some solid ground in the past few weeks re: relationships, have you noticed? Control freaks, difficult people, and now, well, you know where we're going now?

Boundaries. Anxiety around setting boundaries. Anxiety around not setting boundaries. Anxious boundaries…

Emotional Decluttering, Part 2

Emotional Decluttering, Part 2

Last week we started talking about Emotional Decluttering. And I told you all about minimalism and how this is all great and fine for our physical spaces, but I started thinking...what about our mental and emotional spaces?

Minimalism for Anxiety

Minimalism for Anxiety

Minimalism has become quite the buzzword lately; it’s everywhere from books to podcasts to Netflix shows. I’ve been thinking a lot about minimalism lately. And I got curious as to how this concept applies to the space in our minds, as well as the physical spaces in our homes, offices, and cars…