feeling your feelings

Emotions & Moods & Personalities

Emotions & Moods & Personalities

Happy New Year! To kick off 2021, we're going to talk about one of my favorite things: feelings. 🙃 Specifially: emotions and moods and personalities...

See, I've come to a very UNscientific belief re: our feelings. I think ~80% of our day-to-day emotions come from what's right in front of us…

Emotional Fatigue

Emotional Fatigue

Are you feeling worn out?

For so many reasons, some obvious and some less so, many people are experiencing complete exhaustion right now. A lot of my clients are wanting coaching on feeling wiped out and what to do about it. And so I thought it was time we talked about this weariness on the podcast…

Uncertainty, Canceling, & Change

Uncertainty, Canceling, & Change

Wow. What a year last week was, huh? (Is that joke getting old yet?? Haha...)

2020 keeps piling on the intensity for sure. And I want to take a few minutes this week and talk with you about uncertainty, canceling, and change. Because it seems as if a lot of us are stuck in one gear of 2020-intensity and could benefit from hitting the *pause* button and coming up for air to remind ourselves what's what…

Survival of the Nurtured

Survival of the Nurtured

You've heard of "survival of the fittest," yeah? The idea that those most suited to the environment are the most likely to survive? And yeah, there's a lot to Darwin's theory of natural selection of course. We see this play out all around us: from the animals in nature to the boardrooms in corporate America…

What is Life Coaching?

What is Life Coaching?

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, I wanted to share my thoughts on coaching with you. Y'know, go back to the basics: what are we doing around here anyway? What is at the heart of this work? Who is it for?

I think of life coaching as coaching for the game of life. I know, duh. But I really do…

The Never-Ending Bear Hunt

The Never-Ending Bear Hunt

Are you familiar with the children's book We're Going on a Bear Hunt? In case you haven't been inside a preschool in the past, well, ever, it's a children's story about overcoming obstacles.

For some reason, 4 kids, a baby, and a dog are on this adventure (hunting bears?!) and they encounter a bunch of barriers (a deep cold river, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest) on their way to the bear's cave…

On the Floor

On the Floor

Well, this isn't the sexiest podcast episode, buuuut, what it lacks in glamour and happily-ever-after it makes up for in vulnerability, real-life anxiety, and legit: this is why I do this work.

If you're curious, join me for this week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast where I'm sharing my most recent *on the floor* moment with you, and how I'm taking care of myself after the meltdown

Untethered & Groundless

Untethered & Groundless

If you had a dollar for every time you've recently heard, "these are uncertain times," am I right?

Listen, times *are* uncertain. But not any more uncertain than pre-pandemic. Times have always been exactly this uncertain...

So how do we deal with that sensation of being untethered and groundless? Where do we find certainty? Why do these times feel more uncertain than normal?…

I Want OUT of Anxiety

I Want OUT of Anxiety

Many times, I've had the idea that I want OUT of anxiety: it wasn't even enough to push against it or try and avoid it, it was like I wanted to take my skin off, throw it on the ground and get AWAY from the whole experience.

And that was just on a Tuesday

Resisting Anxiety

Resisting Anxiety

Is your idea of “handling” anxiety pushing it away, numbing it out, and avoiding it altogether?

I get it. And you're certainly not alone if this seems like a solid plan for managing the ick. In fact, this week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, we're going to talk about resisting anxiety and why outright resistance doesn't work...or serve you…

Breathing Room

Breathing Room

We're doing something a little different this week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast! I'm sharing a bit about where I'm at, in my personal journey and in my offerings for you, and then I'm inviting you to take a short seat with me for a sweet meditation backed up with music from the amazing DJ Sol Rising.