
Yes & No

Yes & No

Most of the time, when we're faced with something we don't like or don't want it looks like this: NOOOOOOO!

And instead of pausing to respond to _______ (fill in the blank with "snarky teenager," or, "demanding boss," or, "inner feeling of dread") we react by resisting, avoiding, and shutting down…

Thanks, And No Thanks

Thanks, And No Thanks

As a coach, yoga teacher, and meditation student, I tend to hang out in the realm of emotions, perhaps more often than most. The inner landscape of emotional health is one of my regular playgrounds and I got to thinking about the emotions that we welcome in to hang out with us vs. the emotions we’d rather banish to the far corners of the park…

Lessons from Retreat

Lessons from Retreat

Ahhh, friend, I'm recently "back" from a 7-day virtual meditation retreat (a truly pandemic experience since I did the whole retreat from home but definitely felt as if I were somehow away at the most divine summer camp)…

Personal Sustainability

Personal Sustainability

Happy (almost) Earth Day! In honor of the spirit of sustainability, we're going to talk about personal sustainability on the podcast this week.

If you've ever tried to use willpower to create a specific result in your life or coasted the initial wave of excitement when you start something new, you know that they fizzle out sooner than later…

Using Focus to Ease Anxiety

Using Focus to Ease Anxiety

Over here, we're officially into the final quarter of our virtual school year (omg we made it) + the boys' golf season started this week (yay, outdoors!) + we're tentatively making summer vacation plans (hello Chicago and Devils Den Park)...the hope is STRONG for a post-pandemic world in the McCormick household!…

Participate in Your Wellbeing

Participate in Your Wellbeing

I am SO happy to be back with you this week. Our family has been completely down and out with COVID and it was *not fun* but we are absolutely among the lucky ones and are, slowly but surely, recovering.

And I don't even want to talk about COVID this week, lol. I want to get back to the good stuff we do around here on the regular!…

Living Through Thoughts

Living Through Thoughts

Have you ever had the sensation of living life through a plate glass window, like there's a thick barrier between the full, rich, sensory experience of LIFE and, well, *you*?

Or, have you ever caught yourself telling the SAME story about the SAME situation and realized nothing is changing, that you're stuck in a soundbite you just keep rewinding and playing over and over again?…

Emotions & Moods & Personalities

Emotions & Moods & Personalities

Happy New Year! To kick off 2021, we're going to talk about one of my favorite things: feelings. 🙃 Specifially: emotions and moods and personalities...

See, I've come to a very UNscientific belief re: our feelings. I think ~80% of our day-to-day emotions come from what's right in front of us…

Emotional Fatigue

Emotional Fatigue

Are you feeling worn out?

For so many reasons, some obvious and some less so, many people are experiencing complete exhaustion right now. A lot of my clients are wanting coaching on feeling wiped out and what to do about it. And so I thought it was time we talked about this weariness on the podcast…

Uncertainty, Canceling, & Change

Uncertainty, Canceling, & Change

Wow. What a year last week was, huh? (Is that joke getting old yet?? Haha...)

2020 keeps piling on the intensity for sure. And I want to take a few minutes this week and talk with you about uncertainty, canceling, and change. Because it seems as if a lot of us are stuck in one gear of 2020-intensity and could benefit from hitting the *pause* button and coming up for air to remind ourselves what's what…