
You Are Enough

You Are Enough

There's a strong undercurrent of "not enough" in our culture...

We are always trying to be better, thinner, funnier, smarter, richer, and further along than we are right now. There's a never-ending striving towards MORE. Having more, producing more, doing more...

Have you noticed??…

Can't vs. Don't Want To

Can't vs. Don't Want To

Tell me, how often have you said something like:

  • I can't handle it when my boss is so demanding

  • I can't go through with that conversation

  • I can't handle it when the kids are sick

  • I can't imagine how I'd get through that kind of situation...

Name the Elephant

Name the Elephant

This week's episode of The Transforming Anxiety Podcast is one that cuts straight to the heart of *so much* of the anxiety that we create for ourselves...

Like, have you noticed when you do something that puts you on edge (say, going to the dentist, or being in a large crowd) your tendency is to pretend that everything is fine and you are totally cool?…

Peace-Keeper vs. Peace-Maker

Peace-Keeper vs. Peace-Maker

Anyone else find themselves going through the day, just trying to keep the peace?

Between the kids, the co-workers, the family, and the love-her-but-she's-kinda-tricky friend...not to mention the bigger world and all the COVID disagreements and social injustice and political upheaval...well, my friend, there's a lot of unrest that could use some peace-keeping…

Compare & Compete

Compare & Compete

Well, ready or not, 2022 is here!

And instead of wishing you a "happy new year" I'm just going to say: "new year!" Because really, it doesn't have to be happy. Or easy. Or peaceful. Or certain. If we've learned anything the past 2 years, we've learned to adjust our expectations of what might happen. So I'm going to just stick to the facts here: new year to you!…

Being Imperfect

Being Imperfect

It's Christmastime, dear ones, here we go! For so many of us it's like the parenthood superbowl, the to-do list marathon, and the Pinterest-perfect Olympics all wrapped up into ONE DAY.


It also doesn't have to be that way...

Let's Talk About Being Awkward

Let's Talk About Being Awkward

This should be fun, right?? A conversation all about being awkward.

I've found that feeling awkward, and even a *fear* of feeling of awkward, can be quite a source of anxiety. And y'know, around here, instead of shying away from those kinds of topics, I like to move towards them and see if we can't make some sense of them together…

What Would Anxiety Say to You?

What Would Anxiety Say to You?

Have you ever talked to anxiety?

Most of the time, we're pushing against anxiety, going to battle with it, and generally hating it...you with me?

But this week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, I'd like to explore the idea of having a conversation with anxiety

Family Anxiety

Family Anxiety

How are you this week, my friend? We've made it to December (!)...and this year that's no small thing. This ongoing pandemic is taking a toll and I just want to take a quick moment here to say: yay, you're doing it! Well done you. 👏

Be Kind, Not Polite

Be Kind, Not Polite

How are you doing this week, my friend? Here in the States we're on the eve of Thanksgiving, which means the eve of the holiday season...and with that, oh boy, with that comes a whooooole bunch of...well, overwhelming, stressful, anxiety-inducing STUFF. Amiright?…

Anxiety Is Not Personal

Anxiety Is Not Personal

I'm coming at you short-and-sweet on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast this week. Because this one doesn't require a whole lot of words and I know most of us have overanalyzed it beyond reason already.

We're talking about anxiety and how it's not personal

The One Inspired by Alanis

The One Inspired by Alanis

We're doing something fun on the podcast this week: we're doing a kind of philosophy lesson a la Alanis Morisette. I've chosen a handful of her songs and pulled out a few lines from each and I want to explore this with you this week on the podcast…