
This week we're talking about Disassociating, which is an experience that ranges from daydreaming to pure survival skill (especially for those who have experienced trauma). Join me to understand more about disassociating (also: dissociating), how this may show up in your life, and the practice of reassociating, or coming back home to yourself.

This week on The Transforming Anxiety Podcast, we're talking about a topic that I've had on the to-podcast-about list for a long while...we're talking about disassociating.

Disassociation is a break in how your mind handles information; it's a disconnect between the usual flow of experiences through the thoughts-feelings-actions loop. It discombobulates memories. It messes with your sense of who you are.

But disassociation happens to all of us. Daydreaming. Driving home and arriving with no memory of how you got there. Zoning out during a meeting.

Disassociating doesn't have to be a scary thing. We're going to talk through it today and bring understanding to this experience...and then we're going to talk through the process of reassociating (<-- not a word, I made that one up). And I made a worksheet for you, too. Click here to grab your free, downloadable Reassociating Worksheet that goes along with this episode.

And let me hear from you! Comment below, send me an email, or connect with me on social media. I’d love to keep the conversation going with you, yes YOU, between episodes.

Join me on Facebook and come say “hi” over on Instagram

Here are the podcast links so you can listen in to this week’s show. See you there!

For iTunes, just click here.

If Stitcher is your thing, then click here.

And Spotify? Click here!

To find out more about Jesse Blake, who is responsible for the wonderful music on the podcast, click here. He’s got loads of great stuff and all of you yogis, meditators, and yoga teachers will find his stuff especially wonderful for your practices and classes.
