Broaden & Build

Hi again...I've missed you. And I have a GOOD one for you today on ​The Transforming Anxiety Podcast​.

Y'know when you have those days where everything just clicks? Things are going your way and you feel like some luck or magic or your benevolent angels must have a hand in ushering good things to you.

Aaaand then there's the days where it feels almost comically stupid how awful things are going. You look around wondering if you're being punked because: how? How on earth can it all go so horribly wrong all at once?

Yeah...that's what we're going to discuss today. The "broaden and build" theory (which is an official term from psychologist Barbara Fredrickson) vs. the "diminish and demolish" idea (which is a very unofficial term from my own personal experience and the observations of oh so many clients by now).

And I have a few ideas on what to do if you find yourself stuck in the downward spiral of "diminish and demolish"...and it's not as tricky as you might think.

Join me and let's talk about it. Give ourselves a way to find where we are when we feel stuck and lost...and a roadmap for how to get back to where we want to be. ​I'll see you there​...

Text PODCAST to (816) 354-1279 and I’ll send mindfulness reminders, anxiety hacks, and little love notes your way from time-to-time…

Submit your questions to me by CLICKING THIS LINK. I can reply directly to you and may use your question or comment on a future episode of the show! Also: I just love hearing from you. Let’s be in touch. 😊

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Find out more about DJ Sol Rising here. His music is the beautiful intro / outro for the podcast and he has a prolific catalog of offerings for meditation, yoga, and generally relaxing and chilling out.