Your body has a way of showing you exactly what is going on with you...if you listen to your life.
Sometimes we come at self-connection and self-improvement with our minds and forget the messages our bodies hold for us. Some people need to slow down and pay closer attention, some people need to learn how to become more aware, some people have to face the possibility that something they think they want or love isn't serving them...and that their body has been trying to tell them so for a while.
When you realize that you've been battling headaches more days than not, or that it's hard to fall and stay asleep, or that you have a general lack of focus, now you're on to something. When you start seeing a correlation between what you eat and how you feel during your next workout, or the craving for a glass of wine when you're in certain situations, or how your energy soars and plummets depending on what you're doing, then you are really starting to figure yourself out.
Your body maps your mind. Hints, emotions, lessons, they're all stored in your physical body. There's a lot of talk in the spiritual and mindfulness industries about forgetting your body and focusing solely on your mind instead. But if you can use your body as a compass to point out further, and sometimes far more tangible, truths about you as a person, why not? I, for one, am all for using the evidence that I'm walking around with every day.
Your body has a way of showing you exactly what is going on with you...if you listen to your life.