Come Back To Yourself

The search for stuff *out there* is relentless. You read to find answers, ask your friends for their opinions, take classes to learn more, research online, call in a professional. You look far and wide. Most opportunities for change and growth, after all, begin with an external pursuit.


What about when you've gathered all the evidence, and amassed all of the information? When you've exhausted the lengths you can go to intellectualize whatever it is you're after?


That's when you come back to yourself.


{And I think we sometimes forget this part. It's cool, we all do it. We can all use the reminder.}


Learning a new way to practice yoga isn't very effective without trying it out on your own mat. A different sleep routine isn't worth much, unless you see how it works for you. A financial plan won't change the numbers in your bank account without applying it to your money.


Using your own body and mind as a science experiment by taking whatever you've learned and understanding how it works (or doesn't work) for you is where all the magic is. A new way of eating is no good if it doesn't work for your body. And you'll never know if it works for you if it's a bunch of advice stuck in your head.


Go out and learn. Collect data and get direction and seek counsel.


And then. Come back to yourself.