Be Mindful, Not Anxious

September 16th - October 21st, 2024

If you’ve heard mindfulness can help ease anxiety, but aren’t sure how to get started, this 6-week course is for you.


In Our 6 Weeks Together You’ll Learn:


we’re more anxious than ever, but we don’t have to be

The memo we got from society about “having it all, doing it all, and being Pinterest Perfect along the way” is bullish*t aaaaand it’s not helpful. Have you noticed?

I’ll teach you about mindfulness meditation & debunk the myths around it.


the most useful way to approach stress & anxiety

The goal is not to go from completely frazzled to 100% chill…the trick is all in how we approach anxiety and relate to it. And meditation is no small part of that.

I’ll share with you the *key* to shifting your relationship with anxiety.


why mindfulness is the secret sauce to personal sustainability

The food, the online shopping, the Chardonnay, the social media…these are the ways we’re used to “taking care” of ourselves. But they’re not long-lasting solutions.

I’ll show you how mindfulness can work for you day after day.


how to steady your mind

If you’ve noticed your mind flying from your to-do list to that conversation you had last week to worry over the state of the world and back again, you know how it feels to be completely caught in a mental spin.

I’ll teach you how to slow things down and develop your internal home base.


how to turn calm into a way of life

Our 6 weeks together will help to develop a solid foundational meditation practice. And there will be an opportunity to take this work further and practice meditation as a lifestyle.

I want to be sure to provide the support you need to be successful in this practice.


you ready to get serious about that mindfulness practice you’ve been meaning to get around to? let’s do it…


Hi, I’m Kelly Hanlin McCormick. I am a Mindfulness Teacher who specializes in working with high-functioning women who struggle with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. They’re doing everything and wondering why they can’t figure out how to get it together, already.

Mindfulness is “one of those things” that you’ve heard about as an anxiety solution (at this point, who hasn’t?), but you’re likely asking questions like: How do I get started? How will I know if this is working? When is the best time to meditate? And…am I doing it right?!?

Believe me, I’ve been there. I tried to crack the code on mindfulness meditation for about 10 years before I figured out how this practice fit into my life. I’d like to help save you a decade and short-cut you to that “aha” experience meditation-wise.

And hey: with 2 school-aged boys and a growing business of my own, I hear you when you say, “who has the time to sit still?” Balancing parenting, relationships, health, home, work, and (oh yeah) “me time” can seem like a Rubick’s cube with no solution.

I know how you’re feeling.

I’ve helped hundreds of clients calm their stress and anxiety over the past decade. And meditation is a huge part of it.

In our 6 weeks together, I’m going to offer you some powerful mindfulness teachings we’re going to practice meditating together. Let’s make the end of this year your calmest yet, what do you say?

Let’s Do This!


Here’s what our 6 weeks together will look like:

We will meet together live every Monday at 11am CST from September 16th - October 21st for our weekly lesson call + Q&A time. Plan on class lasting ~60 minutes.

I’ll lead you through a lesson on each topic + a meditation each week. All of the classes will be recorded so you can revisit them anytime. You’ll be able to access them forever!

Our community will come together in our online hub (via Mighty Networks) to build connection and share insights. (Think online classroom meets Facebook group, but without the tests or the social media!)

These are the 6 modules we will cover together:

Class 1 - Why Mindfulness for Anxiety?

Class 2 - Getting Anchored

Class 3 - The Breath + the Body

Class 4 - Watching the Mind

Class 5 - Feeling All the Feelings

Class 6 - Living the Practice

There will be an option to continuing working together with closer support + accountability if you’d like!

Cost is $59 for the 6 weeks.